David triumphed over Goliath with just a sling and a stone…..and so can you.

Trying to change the world is never easy. The market conditions are never perfect…Your competitors just hired away your best developer…The sales team never has enough marketing materials…You are way behind on your board slides…That huge biz dev deal you have been working on for the last year still has not closed…Your product team is behind on the latest update you promised because they’ve been pulling all nighters fixing critical bugs in the last version…Your advisors keep telling you it is time to go raise some capital AND hire more salespeople…And, more importantly, the coffee maker in the kitchen just died…Sound familiar?

Take a look at the word cloud below:


These are examples of words we use in our daily lexicon, including our blog and in social mediaAre they similar to yours?  If not, are they the words that float around in your head or you talk about in meetings as areas your team needs to improve?

Entrepreneurs wake up every morning knowing exactly how David must have felt the day he set out to defeat Goliath. It’s a Struggle. We know, because we have been there.  We’ve pulled the all nighters. We’ve closed the transformational deals.  We’ve lead teams through adversity to win battles big and small. We’ve exhaustively iterated the elevator pitch. We love The Struggle because we are entrepreneurs that have fought the good fight…and won. 

So, what are you waiting for? Click here to learn more about what we do, or here to contact us to speak further about a specific project you would like to us to start helping to tackle.